Saturday, August 7, 2010

first sign of defiance?

It happened. Jack showed his first sign of defiance/opinionatedness. It was bath time he was happily kicking the water and chewing on one of his foam letter bath toys. It was time to get out, I unplugged the drain, got his towel ready, took the toy from his hands and he threw a fit! I gave him the toy back thinking surely he's not really mad about me taking this from him...he immediately stopped crying. I laughed out loud, mostly in amazement that we could actually be approaching this stage already. He's had opinions about food before, but that seems to make more sense since it's related to hunger. This was pure defiance. I still think it's pretty funny, especially because he looked so content with himself when I handed him back the toy. We'll see how long I laugh I suppose.

Doesn't he look quite happy with himself?

1 comment:

  1. lindley has those same bath letters! and she, too, is at a place where she will cry when someone takes away something she wants. its maybe not so much defiance as it is her not understanding why she cannot have what she wants in that moment...why someone who has met her every need (as best as possible!) has taken something away. so sad.
