Saturday, August 21, 2010


It's the end of summer and it's about time for a beach trip with Jack. To make it more fun though, we decided to do a full weekend getaway with friends in the ROCKAWAYS! (Oh, and it also happened to be my birthday on Friday.) We already knew we had the best friends, but this weekend only reaffirmed this. The Rockaways gave us lots of's not quite the beach town most people vacation at, but we made the most of it. We may not vacay in the Rockaways again, but I do think we've started a summer tradition with friends.

Day 1...waking up with friends.

One of the highlights of the location had to be the walk up coffee stand (Jack's coffee) and taco stand.

Jack's first day at the beach!!

We were fine with the waves and the water, until it touched us...just a little too cold.

Aunt Katie lives up to her name...Aunt Awesome:) Truly, one of my favorite pictures.

Picnic dinner on the beach? Yes, please.

Happy Birthday to Jenny!

Day 2 waking up with friends!

True story...there were sharks in the water. So, of course we had to go look.

Jack loved the beach so much!