Tuesday, June 22, 2010

4 Month Thoughts...

Just a few thoughts on Jack's 4 month birthday...
*Some things don't change...he still loves his changing table. We now use it for tummy time too and he's 10 times happier to be on his stomach here than anywhere else.
*We're not rolling over yet. He had his one moment of fame 2 months ago, but never again. Now, when he's on his tummy if he gets tired of holding up his head (which isn't usually for at least 5-10 minutes) he just face plants into the ground:) He is starting to use his legs a lot more though. When he's on his stomach, he'll use them to kick forward...he'll literally push himself forward. And sometimes he'll move like he's trying to get on his knees. It's still all in desperation and gets him nowhere, but it's something.
*He is rolling onto his side now when he's on his back. The motion is really all in his legs, but he'll fling them over his body and be chest up belly down. I'm really not complaining (even though I chant "roll over" to him everyday) because I know my world will change drastically when he finally figures it all out. And truthfully in NY, I feel like that's an even scarier thing because of all the tight spaces we try to maneuver in each day...places without changing tables especially.
*I still wouldn't change a thing about breastfeeding, but it can be very cumbersome. There are times when I definitely feel overwhelmed and exhausted by how often I'm sitting still to feed. Some days I don't even think twice about it, but other days when I'm trying to go everywhere, it can be tiring looking for that Starbucks or little restaurant or park bench to sit down at for 45 minutes when I really just want to finish whatever it is I set out to do. I recently told a friend to start tagging my breastfeeding cover on facebook photos...at the end of the year we'll count up how many times it entered into pictures. I'm not even sure I want to guess how often that will be:)
*Jack is officially sleeping in his crib! Next step...going to bed before 11:30pm.
*Kicking is still Jack's favorite exercise. When he's really excited he puts on his serious face and stretches as long as he can and begins to kick. It is sometimes accompanied with various grunts and exclamations. I'm going to miss this little routine one day.
*First Laugh! It happened just this last week (6-14 actually)! We were walking through the city and I started tickling him in the carrier...I swear he laughed out loud. Alan, Robert, and Amanda were there to verify it too. He laughed a few times actually, but never since. It will happen again soon...I can't wait!
*I've mentioned his kicking quite a bit, but really his legs carry all the strength these days. Just in the last week or so, if you lay him down he kicks and does "hip thrusts" that will turn him around in various directions. I really don't think he knows what he's doing, but it's kind of interesting to look at him set in one direction then turn away for a minute and see him set in a whole other direction. He's on the move and doesn't even know it.
*Jack really is a happy baby. He's so much fun to be around, especially right after he eats. After he's full he's happy to do just about anything. He loves attention (really...he loves it), so if you give it to him he'll smile and talk non stop at you. This makes being in the subway or out on the street fun too because Jack will catch someone's eye and just make their day with a huge smile. He's also very content to play by himself too. If you lay him down to play, he's loves to kick and talk to his toys too. We really do have such a content little boy.
*I love Jack...what more can I say!

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